the perfect match

From Scratch

When Mustafa Ataman joined Baerlocher in 2012, there was neither a team nor a site in Turkey. It was the beginning of an exciting story, because a good ten years later Baerlocher Kimya is one of the group’s growth and sales drivers.

Baerlocher Kimya is the youngest member of the Baerlocher family - in two respects. After almost three years of preparation, the company started to produce one-pack stabilisers for the Turkish and African markets, the Middle East and the CIS states in Akhisar in 2015. With a current average age of 35, the site has the youngest workforce in the group. "We have a very dynamic and modern team. In the white-collar sector, 40 per cent of our employees are women. I am very proud to emphasise this," says Managing Director Mustafa Ataman. Ataman built up Baerlocher Kimya. When he started at Baerlocher in 2012, there was not even an office. "Travelling, meetings, challenges" is how he describes the turbulent initial phase: "We were building a production site from zero, starting everything from scratch. That was very exciting." First, a plot of land had to be found, a factory had to be built and a competent team had to be put together. But thanks to help from the group, we successfully dealt with these challenges and construction began in 2013. This involves also a close personal relationship of trust: "I developed a very emotional bond with the Baerlocher family. I feel like a part of it."

Great speed of response

When thinking back to this eventful time, Ataman smiles. On the day the company was entered in the commercial register, he spontaneously came up with the idea of ordering a cake to celebrate this milestone properly and to record it for posterity in the form of a photo. His colleagues Andrew Tate (Head of PVC Additives EU/MEA) and Bekir Ergün (Technical Director of Baerlocher Turkey), who were present in the office with him, were amazed when a magnificent cake was delivered just a few minutes later. With a twinkle in his eye, Tate then stated appreciatively: "We made the right decision ..., the speed of response here is not comparable to anywhere in the world." A speed of response that naturally also applies to solution development and sample production in Akhisar. There is no question that Baerlocher made the right decision by investing in Turkey. It is both the hospitality and clear and open communication that distinguish the site and its committed employees. Mustafa Ataman himself is fulfilling a long-cherished dream with his employment at Baerlocher. As a chemical engineer specialising in PVC additives, he knew Baerlocher well. When he was offered the opportunity, he jumped at it excitedly. His motivation continued to drive him, even when times became more uncertain and difficult. Ataman credits his team with exceptionally high crisis management competence. This should benefit a market leader in calcium-based products, which has also had a highly modern application technology laboratory complex since 2022, on its way into the future. Because from the very beginning, the focus has been on a strong and trusting relationship with customers in a wide range of countries.

Excellent perspectives

Akhisar quickly exceeded all expectations. It was not until 2012 that Baerlocher announced the establishment of Baerlocher Kimya, initially based in Istanbul. The aim was to further support the growing PVC market in Turkey and the region. Just one year later, the construction of a production plant in Akhisar, just under 100 kilometres from the port city of Izmir, began. The groundbreaking ceremony followed in July of 2013. At a festive ceremony, the members of the project team and the Baerlocher Turkey team planted several pine trees on the building site. They stand for a successful and long-lasting future of the soon to be flourishing site. Baerlocher's warm welcome in Turkey was also evident at the subsequent reception in Akhisar's town hall, when Governor Kaan Peker explicitly emphasised the far-reaching strengthening of the district through this investment. Then everything happened very quickly. At the end of 2014, the production plant with a capacity of more than 40,000 tonnes was ready. In the same year, Baerlocher Kimya presented itself for the first time at Plast Eurasia in Istanbul.

A miraculous rise began. Only one year after the start of production in 2015, Baerlocher Kimya was recognised by the Istanbul Association of Exporters of Chemicals and Chemical Products for its excellent export results. The 5th place award in the "Export Stars 2016" also filled everyone with great pride: "This recognition is the best proof of our decision to establish a production site in Turkey, which enables us to offer products that meet Baerlocher's high global quality standards and at the same time fulfil the needs of the local markets in the region," confirms Ataman. It is a perfect match for an economically increasingly dynamic region.

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