the perfect match
Sustai­nability and Environment
Baerlocher is committed to the principles of responsible care and has a leading role in the voluntary commitment of VinylPlus. Baerlocher has an integrated management system (IMS Baerlocher) and considers the following standards:
  • DIN EN ISO 9001 Quality Management
  • DIN EN ISO 14001 Environment Management
  • DIN EN ISO 50001 Energy Management
  • HACCP Management (Directive EG 852 / 2004)
  • RAL Candles: Accreditation Quality Assurance RAL-GZ 041
Moreover, at our production site in Lingen a safety management system has already been put in place in compliance with the requirements of 12.BlmSchV:2015. People are part of an environment that has to safeguard ecosystems for future generations and provide smart technologies and products. A task we can only carry out together: An awareness and sense of responsibility for sustained development therefore play an important role in all decision-making processes.  

Code of Conduct for Suppliers

Baerlocher values its suppliers not only based on commercial criteria, but is also taking into account a number of other aspects. For instance respect for human rights, protection of the environment, anticorruption and antidiscrimination guidelines as well as working and social standards are of high importance to value new and existing supplier relationships.

Recog­nizing sustain­ability


Baerlocher is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.

Associa­tions and Partners

Umwelt­schutz und Sicher­heit

Information der Nachbarschaft